Matchbox love notes + free printable

Not everyone is celebrating Valentine's Day, some of us even hate all the cuteness and pink sugar shouting from the shops.
We used to tolerated without celebrating, just as ordinary day it did past in our calendar.
Then our daughter appear and something has change in my heart :)
I kind of started to appreciate the love I have, the love We've got.
We are not buying red roses or big heart-shape cakes but giving little things we write, draw or made ourselves with a little help of cheap tiny gadgets and maybe a bottle of nice wine.
Well, I do with Ela's company cos my husband did not change his mind yet :D

This year I decided to introduce to you a little easy idea you can personalize yourself, the
Matchbox love notes.
You might have seen them before, I did many times and get absolutely in love with.
Today I am doing my own version :)

They can be use for grown ups, kids, given to your mum or dad.
Matchbox is ideal for symbolic not-too serious inexpensive gifts.

Anything small and cute will do :)
Love notes, funny drawings, sweets or jewellery for adults and even more for kids.

For those with printer on hand I made some simple printable wrappers and note cards to make things easier ;)
You can design your own with Canva -great easy software, or use mine instead by clicking the links below each image.

Just click the links below the images.



Have a look and get the inspiration!

Step 1.

plus glue or double sided tape.
I use glue stick for this one;)

Step 2.
Wrap your matchbox.
With my free printable wrappers or anything you want :)

Graphics are not the matchbox size but is not hard to make it fit ;)
Safe the leftover cuttings for later!

Step 3.
Write the note on the card and glue it into matchbox insert.

Then fold the way you want to fit in, ideally leave the image on top.

This is the whole bunch :)

If you are really fussy about little finishing touches like me then this it the time for the leftover cuttings, I use them for the edges of the inserts ;)

Step 4.
Fill match boxes with little treats/gifts.

 It's just a brief idea of course, you can put there anything you long is small enough :)
Step 5.
Tie them up.
You don't need to, I did some to have more fun.

This is it!
Cute, tiny... how not to love them?

Even more with a bottle ;P

Printable wrappers can be use for bigger gifts too...

Like a bar of chocolate :)
I use half a page for this one.

Ela decided to make one for her friend at school who will soon move to different part of London...

Aww :)

         Go on, buy some matches and                     transform those boxes today!


  1. słodkie! małe, urocze - idealne na drobiażdżek dla najbliższych, nic wygórowanego i z pompą, ale daje znać, że myślisz o drugiej osobie! szalenie mi się podoba i już drukuję, będę robić :)

    1. Moniko, wspaniale mi to slyszec!
      Dokladnie jak napisalas, mnie zawsze cieszyly drobiazgi a jak by mi ktos jescze podal to w taki sposob to piszczalabym z zachwytu :D
      No ale coz, sama sie musze nacieszyc i obdarowac innych :)
      Koniecznie daj znac jak ci to wyszlo.
      Dziekuje serdecznie za komentarz i cieplo pozdrawiam z deszczowego dzis Londynu! x

  2. WOW! I am in love with these little matchbox gift idea. They make a unique and lovely gift for sure. I will use these to present gifts to my boyfriend this valentines.

    1. Thank you!
      A bit far till next Valentines :) but this can be use in many other occasions I believe.
      Best regards!
